Regulatory decision: SSSI management from Glastir to the Habitat Wales Scheme

This Regulatory Decision is valid until 1 January 2025 by which time we will review it.

You should check back at that time to find out whether the regulatory decision is still valid.

This regulatory decision applies if all the following apply:

  • you are an owner or occupier of land within a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
  • the land is subject to a Glastir Advanced or Glastir Commons contract in 2023
  • the land will be entered into Habitat Wales Scheme contract on 1 January 2024

Regulatory decision

Consent to carry out work stated in the management options schedule of your Glastir Advanced or Glastir Commons contract will lapse when the contract ends on 31 December 2023.

This regulatory decision means that, without having to obtain written consent from us, you will be able to continue with the same management activities on a SSSI when your Habitat Wales Scheme contract starts on 1 January 2024. 

Conditions you must comply with

You must notify us and obtain a consent under Section 28E of the Wildlife and Countryside Act if you, or someone you allow, want to:

  • carry out activities differently to the way described in your Glastir management schedule
  • add activities listed on the SSSI notification as OLDSI or PDO

Find the list of OLDSI or PDO using our designated sites search.


A regulatory decision means that Natural Resources Wales will not normally take enforcement action against you provided:

  • your activity meets the description set out in this regulatory decision
  • you comply with the conditions set out in this regulatory decision
  • your activity does not, and is not likely to, cause damage to your SSSI, environmental pollution or harm human health

If you operate under this regulatory decision but think you may no longer be able to comply with its conditions, you must stop the activity and tell Natural Resources Wales immediately.

This regulatory decision is a temporary arrangement that we have put in place in light of recent legislative and policy change. Once your Habitat Wales Scheme contract ends (or upon expiry of this regulatory decision, whichever is sooner), the usual SSSI consenting process will apply for any relevant activities which are listed on the OLDSI or PDO lists for the SSSI(s) concerned.

Last updated